Hotel du Lac – Perfect Place for Stereotypes
Stereotypes? Image by Imagaday In Anita Brookner's novel, Hotel du Lac, the attitude and narrative of romantic novelist, Edith Hope, correspond with society's stereotypical view of women. For Edith Hope, the romantic novelist of Hotel du Lac, writing offers a form of self-expression through escapism. Through this medium Edith exposes the limits of her experience and imagination. A woman unequipped psychologically to fight against tradition, she complies with and supports social norms through the content of her work. Edith's Novels Support Cultural Prejudices Edith’s narratives of love and romance disregard women in positions of power; instead, they fuel gender role socialisation by reinforcing societal myths. Through her novels, Edith recreates the ideal world she craves for, an environment overflowing with love and protection: “[Edith’s] idea of absolute happiness is to sit in a hot garden all day, reading, or writing, utterly safe in the knowledge that the person...